Kabula Pre School

Our Kabula pre-school was opened in 2015. This was the first school in the village and has drastically changed the children’s lives. Before Kabula pre-school, children had to walk 10km to school and back each day through a densely forested area. This was a very risky journey for them and has, unfortunately, caused many children to lose their lives. 

In 2019 we were blessed by the Uppsala Pentecostal Church in Sweden, which made it possible for us to upgrade our small four mud wall school to a permanent building with 3 classrooms as well as storerooms. 

 The children are not only happy but well adjusted, and seeing the change in them, thanks to a good education, is absolutely incredible. 

The Zambian Education Department has requested that we add grades 1, 2 and 3 to our programmes. The hope is that this will allow the children to stay in their village for longer, ensuring their safety from the long walk they must face each day. This is only possible through your generosity and help. 

Be sure to check out our “How to Help” page and change a child’s life!

Child in Kabula pre-school showing a thumbs up.